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What is a CV?

curriculum vitae

A curriculum vitae, commonly known as a CV, is a formal document wherein job seekers highlight their academic achievements and work experience in detail. Usually, this document is used when one wishes to apply for a position that requires his expertise or specific skill sets. Unlike a resume, a CV contains detailed information such as full work history, awards, achievements, published work or projects, grants or scholarships received, etc. Apart from job applications, it can be used when asking for scholarships, bursaries or grants.

A CV can be submitted in the form of both hard and/or soft copies, depending on the instruction given for the application.

A CV should be properly structured, and it should be well and professionally written. So, in this post, we are going to give you tips on how to write a CV effectively and show you a CV template for your reference.

Also Read: ATS Friendly Resume

CV Vs. Resume

There are still many of us who are still confused about the difference between a CV and a resume. Many people mistake one for the other because they are noninterchangeable in some countries. However, it is important to know that there are some dissimilarities between a CV and a resume.

The table below shows the differences between a resume and a CV.

Resume CV
A resume focuses on skills.. A CV focuses on academic achievements.
Brief. Comprehensive.
Shorter than a CV, with two pages maximum. Longer than a resume. It can even be more than three pages long.
Usually used when applying for any job vacancies across industries. Usually used when applying for medical jobs, scholarships, grants or bursaries.

 How To Write A CV

There is no one correct CV format to follow as the information provided differs from candidate to candidate. However, there may be instances where you will have to follow certain CV templates offered by an institution or organisation. So, ensure that you look for specific instructions when you apply for anything. But all in all, for a CV to be effective and appealing, it must contain the following information:

Personal Details

When the recipient of your CV goes through it, the first thing they should be able to see is who you are. To do that, you must add personal information such as your name, gender, father’s name, marital status, nationality, contact details and date of birth, among others. Preferably, this will go on the top of your CV.

Academic Background

Usually, a resume includes high school or higher secondary school under the education section. However, in a CV, it is preferred that you mention your graduate, post-graduate and other higher study programs. It should include the name of the institute, course name and duration, as well as the year of joining and graduating.

Work History

When mentioning your work experience, you should mention all the names of the companies you’ve worked in, the positions you’ve held, your date of joining and leaving for each position, and the roles and responsibilities you’ve held.


Under the Skills section, you can start by adding the skills you possess that are relevant to the job profile you are applying for, followed by other expertise, such as language or basic computer skills, among others.


Highlighting any award or honour you may have received in your college, university or previous company will surely enhance your CV. For example:

  • Employee of the month
  • President’s Award for Educational Excellence
  • Dean’s list or honour roll
  • Other academic achievements.


Whether you have written it by yourself or with others, you should mention any paper you may have published, be it for a professional or academic purpose. Do not forget to add the name of the paper, date and year of publication along with your co-author’s names.


If you’ve received any grants, ensure that you add every important detail, such as the name of the grant, along with the date you received it as well as the title of the research.

Professional Associations

Here, if you are a member of any professional bodies, mention them along with your membership status.

Recent/Current Research

If you have any research project, you have worked on recently or are working on, mention the name of the research and give a brief description.

Volunteer Work

Here, you can mention any voluntary work you may be involved in. It could be community service, volunteering in an NGO or church work.

CV Example Template

Personal Details

  • Complete Name
  • Complete Address
  • Mobile number
  • Email address


Aurora Rose
MV-52, Third Floor, ABC Lane, New Delhi – 110017
Mob: 9876754323

Academic Background

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Philosophy
  • Master’s degree
  • Bachelor’s degree


Master of Philosophy in English, 20XX
ABC University, ABC

Master of Arts in English, 20XX
ABC University

Professional Experience

  • Name of organisation
  • Job Position
  • Years of Employment
  • Roles and responsibility


ECW University
Professor, English Department

Taught undergraduate students literature essays, rhetoric, and fiction writing

Prepared lesson plans and delivered lectures to undergraduate students on a variety of assigned coursework

Qualifications And Skills

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills


  • Certification in Creative Writing
  • Leadership skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Writing skills
  • Organisational skills


  • Name of the award
  • Date
  • Name of the organisation that gave the award
  • Award details


The Department of English Teaching Award for First-Year Writing
18th June, 20XX
ECW University
Awarded for commitment to the learning experience of student writers.


Publication citation


Aurora, R., other authors. (in press). The NE Connection, Volume (Issue), page numbers.

Professional Associations

Organisation name
Year active


Women March Society, New Delhi (20XX-20XX)

Wrapping Up

When it comes to your CV, ensure that it provides all the necessary information in detail, no matter how long it may be. Keep it professional and tailor the CV according to the position you are applying for. Before submitting it, ensure that you proofread it. It would be a safe bet to have someone you trust to take a look at it too.

We hope this article helps you to understand what a CV is and how to write a compelling one.

We will leave you here with our best wishes.

Good luck!

Also Read: Internship

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Last modified: November 28, 2022