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Difference Between: Blue-Collar vs. White-Collar Jobs

We’ve all heard the terms white-collar jobs and blue-collar jobs. But do we really know what they are? How exactly does one determine which professions are white-collar and which are blue-collar jobs?

Did you know that there are pink-collar and gold-collar jobs as well?

For at least a hundred years now, professionals are classified based on their collar colour, the position they hold and on various socio-economic factors.

Well, in this blog, let’s familiarize ourselves with white-collar jobs and blue-collar jobs.

What is White-Collar Job?

When you hear white-collar jobs, think of professionals who work in offices, holding positions such as managers or even doctors. More often than not they are paid more than those in blue-collar jobs. The term was coined in the 20th century because people in these professions usually wear white shirts. They are usually paid fixed salaries and usually have bachelors or higher degrees. Unlike blue-collar workers, they depend more on their mental capabilities and have various skill sets.  

As their jobs usually entail sitting in an office for 8-9 hours, they are less prone to health issues. They do not have to do manual labour work such as lifting heavy objects or being exposed to the sun for too long or be in the presence of chemical fumes. However, sitting in an office for too long can also cause obesity, hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes.

Here are a few common White-Collar Jobs:

  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Publicists
  • IT experts
  • Accountants
  • Architects
  • Business Executives
  • Market Researchers
  • Social Media Executives
  • Graphic Designers.

What is a Blue-Collar Job?

Unlike white-collar workers, blue-collar workers use their physical attributes to complete their tasks. They are also classified as ‘working class people’. They usually do manual labour or industrial work. The term too came into existence in the 20th century. They do not necessarily need to have a bachelor’s degree or higher and do not require specific skills like computer skills or communication skills. 

They usually wear blue colour shirts as the colour can easily conceal grease, dirt, as well as stains. Typically, they get paid wages on an hourly basis. These works include mining, construction, installation of machinery, manufacturing, repairs and maintenance, etc.

Blue-collar workers usually work at non-office settings, such as production lines, on the road, construction sites, and so on.

Here are a few common Blue-Collar Jobs:

  • Mechanics
  • Electricians
  • Boiler makers
  • Landscapers
  • Warehouse Workers
  • Gas Plant Operators
  • Structural Iron and Steel Workers
  • Landscape Labourers
  • HVAC Technicians
  • Electrical Line Workers
  • Mine Workers
  • Construction and Building Inspectors
  • Flooring Installers.

In conclusion, while white-collar workers use their mental abilities, blue-collar workers rely on their physical capabilities to complete their task, they are paid lesser than those of white-collar workers. There are more health risks for those in blue-collar jobs as their profession requires physical work such as lifting heavy objects. There is more risk of harming oneself in blue-collar jobs as manual labour is involved. 

We hope the above information helps you in understanding more about white-collar and blue-collar jobs. 

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